With some of the pap on the telly these days, I often find myself flicking channels looking for the adverts. This was going to be a top 10. But there's only 8:
Pirelli "Power Is Nothing Without Control"
All these adds are good, what with cool graphics and effects, featuring people with tyre treads glued to their feet running all over the show, up walls and the like. In particular there's one with a woman being chased by fire and ice type monsters, with a cool Chemical Brothers soundtrack. Excellent!
The one were a bloke finds a briefcase full of dosh. It's well shot, manages to pack a fairly complex story into the 30-odd seconds, and most importantly, the music is cool. But I spose it is a bit cheesy.
Levis jeans
The Levis ads are undeniably work of art. The visuals and the music are excellent. Plus they usually feature babes. The last two were the "Spaceman" thing, and the "Underwater Love" one. Shame the tunes go on to be released as singles, get played to death, and then everyone gets sick of them.
These adverts are so funny. They are made on a budget of approximately 27 pence. They have a bunch of guys dressed in Village People style costumes, trying to look cool. Judging by the grimaces on their faces all these blokes are straight, but they are so desperate for work that they are prepared to go on national TV as a bunch of botty burglars. Ha, ha, ha!
Adidas "Feet You Wear"
This was a on a few months ago, shows feet prancing around with stuff projected onto them. All very nice and that, but the main attraction is the awesome Propeller Heads soundtrack.
Nike "Parklife"
The best bit of this ad is the opening where some moaning old bid goes "Football, football, football, all we ever get is football!". "Shutup." goes the old bloke. Ha, ha, that cracks me up. The rest of the advert is cool too, despite the fact I hate football, and I'm not renowned for my love of Blur, but it all works well together, with the nice stop start zooming in and out of the film.
Renault Megane Sceneic "It Speaks Your Language"
These mediocre ads for a crappy bus, sorry, "people carrier" are saved by two facts:
One of the ads features a total babe in a swimming costume (and not a baywatch bimbo type). If you look closely at her tits, you will notice the Speedo logo on her cossie has been covered over with black tape, Blue Peter style. (Which conveniently reminds me of Katy Hill too :)
And the other ad shows how thick the French are, as they speak baby talk and generally make tits out of themselves. Ha!
Ford Puma
Very clever computer effects which puts the very nice new Ford Puma into a film made donkeys years ago, "Bullitt", famed for its top car chases round San Francisco. They even got Steve McQueen to drive it, despite the fact that he's dead. Clever eh?